Issues in Teacher Education
Fall 2007
Introduction and Rationale
Catherine Richards & Marquita Grenot-Scheyer
PL 94-142:
Policy, Evolution, and Landscape Shift
Tiina Itkonen
“Was It Worth It? You Bet”:
The Impact of PL 94-142 on Lives and Careers
Jill M. Leafstedt, Tiina Itkonen, Fran Arner-Costello,
Amber Hardy, Bernard Korenstein, Matthew Medina,
Eileen Medina, Alan Murray, & April Regester
Building Bridges with Families:
Honoring the Mandates of IDEIA
Gaining Access to General Education:
The Promise of Universal Design for Learning
Terese C. Jiménez, Victoria L. Graf, & Ernest Rose
Response to Intervention:
Building the Capacity To Serve Students
with Learning Difficulties
Catherine Richards, Shireen Pavri, Felipe Golez,
Rebecca Canges, & Joanne Murphy
Celebrating PL 94-142:
The Education of All Handicapped Children Act of 1975
Barbara K. Keogh
Book Review Introduction
Suzanne SooHoo
Book Review
of Just Who Do We Think We Are?
Methodologies for Autobiography and Self-Study in Teaching
Reviewed by Anna V. Wilson
Book Review
of Widening the Circle:
The Power of Inclusive Classrooms
Reviewed by Sara Goldberg Hamblin
Book Review
of Teachers Have It Easy:
The Big Sacrifices and Small Salaries of America’s Teachers
Reviewed by Susie Wren
Book Review
of Classroom Instruction that Works
with English Language Learners
Reviewed by Christina Luna
Film Review
of Freedom Machines
Reviewed by Dana Grisham