Issues in Teacher Education
Fall 2011
Joel Colbert & Suzanne SooHoo
Voices of Border Crossings:
Learning, Teaching, and Expanding Visions
Barbara Garii & Candace Schlein
Examining the Practice of Critical Reflection
for Developing Pre-Service Teachers’
Multciultural Competencies:
Findings from a Study Abroad Program in Honduras
Suniti Sharma, JoAnn Phillion, & Erik Malewski
Crossing Borders without Leaving Town:
The Impact of Cultural Immersion
on the Perceptions of Teacher Education Candidates
Jennifer Waddell
From Heads to Hearts:
Digital Stories as Reflection Artifacts
of Teachers’ International Experience
Lynne M. Walters, Martha G. Green,
Liangyan Wang, & Timothy Walters
Crossing Borders by “Walking around” Culture:
Three Ethnographic Reflections
on Teacher Preparation
Ervin F. Sparapani, Byung-In Seo, & Deborah L. Smith
How Deep Is Your Commitment?
Crossing Borders Via Cultural Immersion
Barbara Faye Streets
Cross-Cultural Interpretations
of Curricular Contextual Crossings
Candace Schlein & Barbara Garii
Innovative Practices:
Benefiting the Educator and Student Alike:
Effective Strategies for Supporting
the Academic Language Development
of English Learner (EL) Teacher Candidates
Marina Aminy & Katya Karathanos