Issues in Teacher Education
Spring 2006
An Omnibus Review of Reform in Teacher Education:
California Five Years after the SB 2042 Reforms
Sharon E. Russell
Timing Is Everything:
Building State Policy on Teacher Credentialing
in an Era of Multiple, Competing,
and Rapid Education Reforms
Mary Vixie Sandy
Costs and Benefits of Accountability:
A Case Study of Credential Candidates’
Performance Assessment
Paula M. Sylvester, Deborah Summers,
& Edward F. Williams
Reforming Urban Teacher Education:
SB 2042 Implementation Five Years Later
Sharon E. Russell
From BTSA to Induction:
The Changing Role of School Districts
in Teacher Credentialing
Paula Lovo, Lynne Cavazos, & David Simmons
Is There Room for Biliteracy?
Credentialing California’s Future Bilingual Teachers
Edward M. Olivos & Lilia E. Sarmiento
Looking at Answers about Reform:
Findings from the SB 2042 Implementation Study
Anne L. Hafner & Andrea Maxie