Issues in Teacher Education
Spring 2013
Ethics in Teaching and Learning:
Guest Editors’ Introduction
Kathleen Faith Mikitka-Gomez & Kathleen Holowach
Book Review
Teaching as a Moral Practice:
Defining, Developing, and Assessing
Professional Dispositions in Teacher Education
Peter C. Murrell, Jr., Mary E. Diez,
Sharon Feiman-Nemser, & Deborah J. Schussler (Editors)
Reviewed by Genevieve N. Aglazor
Theme Articles
Attending to Ethical and Moral
Dispositions in Teacher Education
Richard D. Osguthorpe
Pre-Service Teachers’ Perceptions
about Ethical Practices in Student Evaluation
Daniel J. Bergman
A Dialogic Construction of Ethical Standards
for the Teaching Profession
Déirdre Mary Smith
Strategies to Support Ethical Reasoning
in Student Argumentation
Joan Carlton Griswold & Jeanne Ting Chowning
Resolving Ethical Issues at School
Jacques S. Benninga
Non-Theme Articles
Teacher Reflection:
Supports, Barriers, and Results
Elizabeth L. Jaeger
Investigating Perceptions of Teachers and Teaching
Using the Draw-a-Teacher Checklist
Becky B. Sinclair, Susan Szabo,
Adrienne Redmond-Sanogo, & Jennifer D. Sennette
An Initial Investigation
into the Mathematical Background
of Those Who Pass the CSET for Mathematics
Jorgen Berglun