Issues in Teacher Education
Spring 2016

From Pre-Service to Teacher Leader:
The Early Development of Teacher Leaders
Kathryn Ado 

Designing a Curriculum for Clinical Experiences
John E. Henning, Dorothy J. Erb
Halle Schoener Randles, Nanette Fults, & Kathy Webb 

“Making Cambios, Usando la Voz”:
Addressing Ethical Dilemmas of Education
in Immigrant Contexts

Adnari D. Zarate, Leslie Reese, David Flores, & Jisel Villegas 

Growing Social Capital in the Classroom
Gilberto Arriaza & Christie Rocha 

Admissions Metrics:
A Red Herring in Educator Preparation?

Amy Lynn Dee & Brenda M. Morton 

Teaching New Dogs New Tricks:
Teacher Leadership in the Performance Assessment
of California Teachers (PACT)

Chase Nordengren 

Knowledge of the Health Care Law as an
Issue in Teacher Education

Jennifer M. Wright, Erin E. C. Hanze,
Jeremy T. Coles, Nicole A.Miller, & Robert L. Williams