Building Strong Partnerships
to Cultivate Well-Prepared Justice-Oriented Educators
Shaylyn Marks, BreAnna Evans-Santiago, & Alice Hays
Establishing Partnerships in the Central Valley
to Expand the Teacher Residency Model
Robin Valente, Jaclyn Tejwani, & Valentin Pedroza
Using Data to Enhance the Teacher Residency Model:
Exploring What, How, and Why Data Are Used
Within a National Network of Teacher Residencies
Corrianne Scheib, Catherine Snyder, & Marjori Krebs
What We Know Now:
Urban Teacher Residency Models,
Teacher Shortages, and Equity
Katherine Herman
Teacher Residencies as an Approach to Teacher Diversity:
Promising Strategies for Recruiting
and Retaining Black Educators
Robert Shand, Naureen Madhani, & Kimberly Austin
When Equity and Justice Are Front and Center:
Building a Teacher Residency That Walks the Walk
on Antiracism, Equity,and Justice
Diana B. Turk, Stacie Bronsilver Bermnan,
Christine Gentry, Rachel Elizabeth Traxler,
& Sabrina L. Caldwell
Transformative Educator Preparation
Through Teacher Residency Programs
Alice Hays, BreAnna Evans-Santiago, & Shaylyn Marks